Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > quidding (grass and hay)

quidding (grass and hay)

21 9:10:24

This is an elderly, thin Anglo Arab, stabled at night in winter, rugged if necessary but out otherwise in vast field. Does very light work at weekends. Regularly wormed, and teeth sorted out by dentist. He has special soft food (Lucie), since he constantly spits out grass after a minute or two of chewing. We cannot understand how it is that he chews and swallows carrots with ease.   Could quidding grass be a habit?   Could he have masses of carrots to add calories?   Thank you for your help.

Quidding can become a habit usually caused by a history of bad teeth and they have gotten use to quidding to ease discomfort.  It can also be caused by missing teeth.  Do not add masses of carrots these have very little nutritional value and can give dangerous levels of beta carotene.  You may need to ask your vet to help you put together a diet for the horse that is easier for him to eat so he can gain some weight.
