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wood shavings or wheat straw

21 9:06:59

hello madam, which is the best horse bedding? wood shavings or wheat straw? which horse bedding absorbs the horse urine quickly?

Hi Caine,

Thank you for your question.  There are pros and cons to both types of bedding, and a lot of opinions about which is the best for horses.  From personal experience I would have to say that straw absorbs urine more quickly than shavings, but not as quickly as sawdust (which is more finely chopped shavings).  However, I find wood shavings easier to clean out of a stall than straw.  In all honesty, my favorite bedding for horses is peat moss.  It is super absorbent, very easy to clean out of a stall, composts much more quickly and makes excellent fertilizer.

Thanks, Corlena