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21 9:10:19

I have a 5yo thoroughbred gelding who I bought 6 months ago. Shortly after aquiring him he got a lump on the front bone of his face in the sinus area. I have had the vet look at this and he suggested it was due to a knock to the area that then calcified. I have put an anti-inflamatory on it which helped reduce the size of the lump but did not remove it completely. I have stopped using it now as is was causing skin reaction and lump has returned to original size. I am also feeding him a calcium suppliment as the vet suggested it may be caused by calcium leaching from the bone? Can you provide me with any other suggestions of what it could be and how to treat it? Thank you

Hi Brigitte,  I am going to agree with your vet.  I had a mare who came in one day with the same thing you have described on her face on the bridge of her nose just below the eye (in the sinus area),  that was when she was 4 she is now 6 and it is completely gone.  It was never a problem just an eye sore.  I think what you are describing will go away eventually, as most calcifications such as this do (from my experience), it just may take a while.  I think the supplement sounds good, I didn't really do anything for my horse other than just keep an eye on it the first couple of weeks after she did it.  This kind of thing is much like a splint on the leg which is also a calcification due to the splint bone being injured and also in most cases the splint on the leg will eventually go away, it just takes a while and sometimes years.   I wouldn't worry unless it starts to get bigger then consult your vet again.  Hope I could help ease your mind.  Jessica