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Horse Tail Loss

21 9:10:20

I have a 4-year-old paint gelding that I purchased about 9 months ago. He is loosing his tail near the top, and I can't figure why. He isn't scratching it, there are no irritations, he doesn't mind me touching it, and it is progressively getting worse. I recently wormed him, and am planning on using our rotation wormer soon. Could you tell me why this is happening, and what I can do to help him?

Hi Kylea,  I have a TB that does the same thing every year at this time.  I have researched it, talked to my vet and the only thing I have come up with is that it's probably from a fly allergy or some other kind of allergy and that conclusion I got from my vet.  It's not a worming issue it's some kind of allergy whether it's from flies or something else.  My horse only looses hair up near the top of his tail in a circle type formation bald spot.  You can run your fingers through and it just comes right out.  I have tried everything to try to prevent it and help the hair grow back quicker but nothing seems to really work.  We have an auto fly system in our barn and you would think if it's flies that would help, my horse comes up during the day and out at night, but that seems to have no effect.  The hair will start to grow back in a month or so.  If your horse is like mine they will stop loosing hair eventually.  My horse only seems to loose it in that one spot and around the sides of his upper tail and that's it.  You may try washing his tail in an iodine scrub about once a week.  Put fly spray on him everyday.  I also like the product MTG, it's oil based and works great for any kind of fungus or skin irritation.  You apply to the effected area and leave it on.  It's messy and smells like bacon grease but it works.  I also have my horse on a hoof supplement which is also great for their skin.  Any kind hoof or coat supplement wouldn't hurt.  Unfortunately this is still an ongoing mystery for me and this will be the third summer in a row that I've owned this horse and his tail falls out like this every summer.  Hope this helps or at least eases your mind, if you find anything out regarding this type of hair loss I would love to know.  Good luck, Jessica