Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > Pony


21 9:07:35

Hi I just purchased a welsh pony for my son and I need to know how much and what to feed him I know grass hay but what about grain?

Hi Chelsea,

Thank you for your question.  I'm not sure I can give you as thorough an answer as you may want, without having a little more information.

The basis of the diet really needs to be forage so plenty of grass hay is a good start.  Not all horses need to have grain, and it really needs to be used on an as needed basis.  If your pony is in good physical condition and does not do a lot of work you may be able to get away with only feeding a mineral/vitamin premix (in a pelleted form if it is the only feed your pony will get).  If your pony needs to gain body weight or will be working a lot, you may need to find a feed that brings more calories to the diet to help add/maintain body condition.  I would suggest in your case that if you need a complete feed, that you try and find a high fat/high fiber feed.  

If your pony is older and you need a complete feed, find one that is specifically formulated for senior horses...they are significantly different than feeds for other groups.

If you would like a little more specific help, give me an idea of the age, body condition, workload, and past health issues of your pony and I'll do my best to help you put together a program.

Thanks, Corlena