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ginger supplement

21 9:04:55

hello ma'am. what is the purpose of using ginger supplement to racehorses. my trainer uses TWYDIL REINSTALL

Hello Caine,

Thank you for your question.  There are a number of differing opinions on the suitability of ginger for horses.  Where some suggest it aids digestion, others say that it can be an irritant to the digestive system.  From a purely science-based nutrition perspective, I'm not a fan of a lot of supplements to try and fix nutritional issues.  If your horse has digestive problems, the solution should be fixing the problem, not patching the symptom with a bandaid supplement.

Because there isn't a lot of research to support the use of ginger in horses, I'm going to stay away from making a recommendation on why, how and when to include it in a horse's diet.

Thanks, Corlena