Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > Pony/Infection


21 9:05:01

Hi, I have a 12 year old Arabian who has an infection either on his penis or in his sheath. It is smelly and has slimy gunk on it! My vet has been out twice sedated him, cleaned his sheath, and gave him an antibiotic shot each time! There has been no improvement! The vet did nit see any sign of tumors. My vet wants to come out and do the same procedure, I'm worried that I will have a huge vet bill ( Already at $400) and the problem will persist. I wanted to see if there is another solution instead of having him sedated and applying a cream to his sheath area?  He will not let us near his sheath and he is not dropping when he urinates. I appreciate any advice!! Let me know if you have any other questions!



Hello Liz,

Unfortunately, from a nutrition perspective there isn't much help I can provide.  As a nutrition consultant, the problem you're describing is outside the scope of what I'm qualified to help with.Both the nature of the infection and any sedation your horse requires to work on his sheath are points you need to discuss with your veterinarian.  Hopefully your vet, or perhaps a second vet, is able to help you identify and deal with the issue.  Best of luck.
