Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > feeding time - cribbing collar remove

feeding time - cribbing collar remove

21 9:05:48

QUESTION: hello ma'am, a horse which has got a cribbing vice must be put on a metallic cribbing collar? during feeding time or turning onto pastures, should the collar be removed? does it prevent the horse from swallowing its feed?

ANSWER: Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  There are those who leave cribbing collars on their horses all the time and the decision generally depends on the degree of cribbing the horse displays.  Cribbing collars are designed to allow the horse to swallow normal amounts of feed and water, and should allow the horse to eat freely.  If the horse cribs non-stop you can leave the collar on at all times.  If the horse only cribs when he is really bored, you can remove the collar while eating and/or while turned out.  That choice would be up to you.

Thanks, Corlena

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ma'am, does cribbing collar work for horses which bolt at their feed? how can i say that my horse is bolting at its feed?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for the follow up.  The cribbing collar won't be of much help with a horse that bolts its feed, as it is designed not to interfere with eating.  Instead, try putting a salt block in the grain bucket or even a few large stones (too big for the horse to eat but small enough for the horse to push out of the way with its nose).  Putting safe inedible objects in the feed bucket forces the horse to nibble around the objects instead of taking huge mouthfuls that can lodge in the throat.  It's a very inexpensive and safe solution.

Thanks, Corlena