Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > cut down grains - raising oil content in equine feed

cut down grains - raising oil content in equine feed

21 9:04:37

hi ma'am. i want to cut down grains and add flaxseed oil as per your suggestion to my riding school horses's feed. i would like to add 1.5kgs oats with 30ml flaxseed oil in the mornings and 2kgs oats with 40ml flaxseed oil in the evenings. we dont feed horses thrice a day. hope this gives instant energy to the animal and prevents colic and
laminitis in them.

Hello Roberts,

I'm not sure that there's a question here, but what you're suggesting sounds reasonable.  But don't forget to make the best use of your forages  and make sure your horses have unlimited access to the appropriate quality pasture or hay.

Thanks, Corlena