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Aging pony

21 9:10:41

My 14hh Arab x Welsh paddocked pony is coming up 21 years old. He hasn't felt his age alot until recently he has slowed down. He is rugged, and he's being fed plain chaff, lucerne chaff, bran and hay. He is worked 3 times a week, moderately and he does dressage and jumping.
I was wondering if there is anything else I can do to make him more comfortable during the winter months?
Thank You

Hi Brit,

Thanks for your question.

You haven't mentioned quantities (ie: how much chaff in grams or kilos) so it's hard to say whether or not this diet is correct.  

As a general rule I would suggest that you add some pellets especially created for older horses - Coprice Nutri Rice for Seniors or Mitavite Gumnuts are good ones.  Feed according to the directions on the bag.

These pellets are balanced, designed to give your older horse the nutrients he needs.

Always mix the pellets with chaff and feed plenty of hay to keep his energy levels up during the winter months.

As far as quantities go let your eye be the judge.  If he's in good condition, smooth shiny coat with lots of energy then you're feeding him right.  If he's lacking in any of these respects you may need to increase his feed.

Don't forget to ensure he has a constant supply of clean water (don't forget to take the ice out on cold mornings!)

I would start rethinking the jumping with this boy, he is getting on in years and it would be a lot of stress and strain on his old joints.  I would also downsize the dressage.  At this age his muscles are tightening up and its hard for him to perform.  

My suggestion would be to work him on the flat (dressage) once a week and the other times take him out on trails and just enjoy each other.  He's earned his retirement.

Good luck with him!!