Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > feeding a bowed tendon horse

feeding a bowed tendon horse

21 9:04:36

QUESTION: Hi ma'am. 2 weeks back a 6 year old racing thoroughbred gelding from my stable developed bowed tendon on his right fore leg during the race. May I know what all feed should I cut off until he's thoroughly cured?

ANSWER: Hello Roberts,

As with any horse, he should be fed a balanced diet.  Because he is likely on full rest, if not stall rest, the diet is liekly easy to balance with a good quality forage.  Only supplement what is absolutely required...which in this case may be as little as added mineral.  

Thanks, Corlena

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the answer. What all minerals should my supplement contain ma'am? Can you please mention the major minerals need for this gelding?

Hello Roberts,

Your question is one that requires more time to respond to than this forum allows.  For general nutritional information I would recommend you take some time to review the information at the following link:

Thanks, Corlena