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feeding grains immediately after floating horse teeth

21 9:04:36

Hi ma'am. I have a simple question. Hope you can answer it.

Question : After floating the horse teeth, can I feed him with grains immediately? Or shall I feed him bran mash for 2 to 3 days provided he would be only on hand-walking exercise

Hello Roberts,

This is the sort of question that you should refer to your veterinarian for his/her advice on best practices.  In my experience, we only limited feed intake immediately following dental work, and depending on the work that was done, fed full rations the following day.  Your vet or dentist should let you know if there are any dietary restrictions based on the work that was done.  If you simply floated teeth, you can return pretty quickly to a normal ration.  If you pulled teeth, or there are lacerations to the gums, you're going to want let the horse heal before feeding a lot of grain or even coarse hay.  Again, your vet or dentist will be able to help with that decision.

Thanks, Corlena