Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > pony diet (20 plus years old)

pony diet (20 plus years old)

21 9:10:05

QUESTION: Is live oak branches/leaves harmful if ingested?

ANSWER: Dear Deborah,

Yes leaves are poisonous if ingested in large quantities as are the acorns.  Here is a piece by Ohio state university.

Best regards,

Clair Thunes, PhD
Independent Equine Nutritionist,
Equilibrate Equine Consulting,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I found our pony dead this morning. I think he may have ingested oak leaves yesterday pm. Tree trimmers threw branches in his pasture.  Could it affect him that quickly?

Dear Deborah,

I am so sorry, this must be devastating for you.  I really don't know how quickly it would take effect but the tannins cause kidney damage.  The only way to know for sure if have your vet perform an autopsy.  

How many branches were there and do you see evidence that he ate leaves?  I believe there is more of a risk with young leaves and would assume that these leaves are old and less of a problem.

I would call your vet and discuss with them.  If they don't know they should be able to put you in touch with your states diagnostic lab who will be able to give you more advice.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of any further help.
Take care of yourself.

Best wishes,