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equine nutrition and stable management college and book

21 9:06:48

hello madam. can you please suggest me a good college in USA for equine nutrition and stable management. it should give me the complete course about nutrition and stable management. do suggest me a good book for beginners on equine nutrition and equine stable management.

Hello Caine,

The University of Guelph (in Canada) has an excellent online equine management certificate program that you might find of interest.  It is quite in-depth, and allows you to work on it from home and at your own pace.

I'm certain there are a lot of quality stable management handbooks, but you may be interested in Equine Canada's Stable Management Handbook.  It is used as study and testing materials for all coaching candidates and it is an easy read.  I authored the nutrition section, so of course I think it is well

Thanks, Corlena