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TENDINITIS - only forelegs

21 9:06:10

hello ma'am, i believe that TENDINITIS occur only on forelegs as 70% of the body weight falls on the forelegs of a horse while galloping at full speed. am i right?

till now i didnt come across a case with TENDINITIS on hind legs. would it really happen on hind tendons? if yes, may i know the reason?

Hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  Horses traditionally experience more tendon and ligament issues in their front legs and that can be due in part to the fact that they carry more weight on those legs.  They can also experience similar issues in their hind limbs and there can be many causes, including injury when engaging their hind quarters (i.e. jumping, dressage, reining).

Thanks, Corlena