Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > plants horses can or cannot eat.

plants horses can or cannot eat.

21 9:10:42


I am planting a garden near our ponies pasture.  I found information about tomatoes in the night shade family and to keep them away.  What I need to know now is if cucumber plants are poisonous to the ponies?  If they eat the leaves of the plants, will it hurt them?  Can you help?



Hi Rob,

Thanks for your question.

There are so many different varieties and hybrids of plants these days that I'm hesitant to give a general answer.  I suggest you take the common and scientific names of the type of cucumber you want to plant to your local vet.  They will be able to access a database to search specifically for that plant type and give you a definite answer.
