Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > weight


21 9:06:35

If I'm trying to add weight to a horse, is more hay or more grain a faster/better way to achieve that goal.  We would rather do one or the other, rather than both if possible.  We have a grass/alfalfa mix (mostly good quality grass) and our "grain" is Nutrena pellets-(stock and stable) with supplemented vitamins.

Hi Andy,

Thank you for your question, it's a great one!  Grain is more energy dense than pasture/hay so technically is faster at putting weight on a horse.  BUT too much grain (especially a starch based one like the Stock and Stable) is not good for the horse's digestive system and increases the risk of gastric ulcers, gas colic and potentially laminitis.  So grain is faster, good quality forage is better.  Another option is to look for a high fat, high fiber feed without too much starch.  If you can afford a little more time to put the weight on in a safe manner try feeding a good quality forage, a yeast probiotic and perhaps a fat top.  Nutrena's 'Empower Boost' combines probiotics with healthy fat.  I would recommend the last suggestion, it will be best for your horse in the long run.

Thanks, Corlena