Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > eating straw bedding - leading to colic

eating straw bedding - leading to colic

21 9:06:11

hello ma'am, do horses get struck by colic when they eat wheat straw laid as a bedding in their stall? if yes, may i know the reason for a horse to suffer from colic when they eat the straw?

Hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  Wheat straw is the stemmy part of the wheat plant left after the grain has been harvested.  The straw that remains is very high in the type of fiber that a horse can not digest or ferment...and ends up being pooped out.  In some instances though, too much indigestible fiber can become lodged in the large colon of the horse (even more so if the horse is dehydrated) and result in an impaction colic.  A horse can have the same impaction issues with hay that is too mature (and high in the indigestible fiber component).  Dehydration alone can also lead to impaction colic as there is not enough water in the large intestine to keep fibrous waste materials moving freely through the loops and channels of the large colon. It becomes important to ensure you are feeding digestible fiber sources and to keep you horse drinking enough water in order to prevent impactions.
