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Follow-Up to Safely Bringing up Horses Weight

21 9:06:12

Good afternoon Corlena..I do certainly appreciate the information.  When doing a gradual increase in the Rice Bran, what type of schedule would you recommend?  A weekly increase, semi-weekly, monthly?


Hi Terese,

I would suggest that you take a period of 3-4 weeks to acclimate your horse to the new high-fat supplement, increasing the amount about every 3 days or so.  So start with 1 cup per day for the first 2-3 days, then 2 cups per day for 2-3 days and so on until you are at the desired feeding rate in about 3 weeks.  It's not as much that your horse's digestive system needs to adjust to the diet as it is more a matter of his metabolism catching up to processing and utilizing the higher fat content of the diet.

Thanks, Corlena