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over weight pony

21 9:10:34

Hi, I have recently bought a pony for my children, she is a moors pony, 11.2 in height. 5 years old, she is quite over weight. she is stabled at night (she used to live out with her previous owner)she is let out around 9 in morning and comes in at around 4. all she eats is grass and hay as she is not yet doing any work. any suggestions on how she can loose some weight as i know how unhealthy it is for her to be fat.
Kind Regards Hayley Rollings

Hi Hayley,

You are quite right in your concern about the pony getting too fat.

What is your pasture like? Lush? Or dry?  What kind of hay are you feeding?

Your pony also needs to exercise more.  If she can't be ridden - for whatever reason - then she needs to be lunged.  Just 10 - 15minutes a day on the lunge (steady trot interspersed with walk) will do her wonders.  If you don't know how to lunge, get a knowledgeable person to show you how - it's very easy!

I would continue to restrict her feed until she starts to look more healthy, but do not let her go without food for any length of time (longer than 2hrs).  Ponies are extremely sesitive to a disorder that occurs when they go without food (similar to a diabetes reaction in humans) this can be fatal and prevention is simply not letting her go hungry.  While you are trying to get her to lose weight, it's better to give her lots of lower quality hay than just a little high quality hay like alfalfa.

Have you wormed her recently?

If she continues to be overweight, it might be worth getting a vet to have a look at her.  There are a few conditions where the appearance of excess weight can be a symptom for disease (but I think it's just pony chubbiness!)

Good luck!