Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > itiching


21 9:07:06

Hi Corlena, I have a fourteen year old grade mare in good health. She gets a very thick winter coat and for the third spring (we live in the south)when she starts to shed (which she already has)she gets a really bad case of the itches. I feel so sad for her, I know how I would feel. Is there something I could add to her feed to help ease the itch. Thank you for listening! Mare

Hi Mare,

Thank you for your question.  Shedding can be an uncomfortable time for many horses, but especially so for those who were well prepared for winter.  If your horse develops hives or severe red batches you could talk to your veterinarian about an oral anti-histamine, or try some grapeseed extract to help with the irritation.

If the itchiness is simply coming from the shedding hair, there is not a lot that can be fed to help with the itchiness (that really works as well as you would hope).  You could try increasing the amount of flax (or flaxseed oil) in the diet that will at least help improve coat quality.  They will not necessarily speed up shedding time but may be of some help in skin and hair health.  My best trick for helping the woolies through the shedding process is a daily once over with a shedding blade.  This will help clear away the old hair and keep it from irritating the skin and causing her to itch.  

Sorry I couldn't be of much help,  I simply haven't found anything else that works all that well.

Thanks, Corlena