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feeding formula for horses

21 9:06:52

hello, does the feeding formula

(body weight/100)*2.5

is applicable to all horses and pony breeds regardless of any discipline? is this formula meant for fodder or forage or both fodder and forage?

Hi Caine,

Thank you for your question.  I believe what you are looking for is an estimate of a horse's daily dry matter intake?  In which case, the formula changes depending on the horses age, state of gestation or lactation, or the amount of work they are doing.  Horse's will eat between 1.5%-3% of their body daily dry matter intake.  
So for 1.5% of their body weight, the formula would be: body weight*(1.5/100).  
For 3% of their body weight, the formula would be: body weight*(3/100).

Groups eating 1.5%:  adult horses doing no work
2%: Light work, early gestation, late lactation, 18-24 month olds doing no work, stallions.
2.5%:  Moderate-Heavy work, mid gestation, mid lactation, 12-18 month olds doing no work, stallions in light breeding.
3%: Heavy-very heavy work, late gestation, early lactation, 6-12 month olds, stallions in heavy breeding.

I hope that helps.

Thanks, Corlena