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making horse drink water

21 9:06:13

hello ma'am, after fast workout, should a trainer make a racehorse drink water in the stable? ma'am, would you advise me to rinse my horse mouth (which has got foam clearly visible) near the bathing area after riding?

Hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  Horses tend to drink the most immediately following exercise and after eating grain.  It is important that horses have clean fresh water available to them all the time, but especially at these times of greatest thirst.  Some will argue that you should never water a hot horse.  I believe that you should water any horse that is thirsty, but you should never provide a hot horse with cold water.  When an overheated horse consumes very cold water, they run the risk of foundering.  However, a hot horse can consume fresh water at ambiant temperature without essentially ensure that their water is at normal 'room' temperature.

I've never rinsed out a horse's mouth, but would think that as long as it doesn't create a huge behavioral issue with the horse, there isn't any danger in doing so.  

Thanks, Corlena