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ceasing lactation

21 9:10:14

My 3yr, mustang mare has been seperated from her first colt, hes 5 1/2 months. Its the 4th day they've been apart and my mares teats are so engored, even up on her belly some. She gets fed 9lbs of 12% sweetfeed and is out on constant pasture a mix of fescue and orchard grass. I've read about lower her grain intake but shes just starting to gain weight back from the colt dragging her down and I dont want her to lose more weight. This is my first mare/foal expirience and have asked the vet tons of questions, but said she didnt really know what to tell me about this one: Is there anything I can feed my mare to help her milk dry up?   --Thank you for your time and consideration.

I think you need to get your vet to look at her.  

What you're describing is not normal for a mare with a foal of that age.  The mare is at serious risk of mastitis which is an infection of the mammery gland that is EXTREMELY painful and can lead to not being able to ever breed from her again and death.

Herbal supplements such as mint - a handful of dried herb in her meals - will help reduce the milk flow - but it will not be of any use if there are complications.

I cannot stress enough that you get a vet to your mare.

Good luck.