Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > Lameness


21 9:10:32

QUESTION: My horse has some arthritis in her front and back ankles and I was wondering if there was anything you might recommend besides Bute to help her not be sore anymore. She used to be used for Roping and they never used boots on her so her ankles got really roughed up.

ANSWER: Hi Robyn,  You don't mention how old the mare is.  Depending on her age and extent of damage there may only be limited things that can be done to ease her suffering.  At best she'll be well enough for full work.  At least it should help with the pain.  Have you had her X-rayed?  Do you know the extent of the damage and what has actually occurred?

If not I suggest you have a vet take a look at her to assess the severity of her condition.  There are injections that can be given by a vet into the joint (only a vet should do this as it can be dangerous).  Over here in Australia it is called Pentosan.  It may have a different name in the US. It acts to reduce the 'rubbing' affect that causes the pain.  It is a very good drug, given usually once or twice a year (depending on severity of condition).  On severe cases it's given 4 times a year.

To supplement this you could look for a joint food formula.  I can't give you brands because they differ over here, but they should have glucosamine, MSM, and possibly chondroitn as active ingredients.  They also usually have a trace mineral base especially calcium and magnesium.  These will take at least 2 months to work before you start seeing any real change and with continued use they can really help.

I don't like long term bute use it's terribly corrosive on the stomach and can cause ulcers, but then it's no good having the horse in chronic pain either.

I suggest you get a good horse vet to have a look and discuss with them the best way to treat her.  It's great that you care enough to ask!

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am sorry I forgot that information. She is 19 years old but very sprite and active even with the lameness. I had her to the vet many many times but he cant seem to get Xrays because she kicks. He assesed her as good as he could and told me she just had arthritis from the wear and tear of roping. I hate using bute unless its a sudden pain or she is in a lot, because like you said it hurts the stomach. I used to use this powdered iodine on her and it worked a miracle and she was hot on her feet. But, now im out of it and cant find it anywhere though I know they still make it. Basically what she does it she limps like a person would if they were on their feet all day.

It's a shame you can't xray her.  Does she kick even under sedation?  I haven't heard of powdered iodine, not for arthritis anyway....  But I haven't seen it available for many years.  Your vet might be able to get some for you?

Sounds like you have her best interests at heart.  I hope everything works out ok!
