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horse eating black walnut bark

21 9:07:28

Hi we recently moved to the mountains so we have to chop and save wood now,i brought home a friends black walnut tree,cut it up and my horse got a hold of one of the pieces. He stripped the bark very quickly,then i did my research on them and found out they are toxic! It has been 3 days now since and he is acting fine and eating and drinking,I know black walnut isnt good for their feet but what about ingesting it. should i be worried now?

I am jealous that you get to live in the mountains! I love the mountains. You don't have to worry about your horse after 3 days. The trouble happens within 24 hours. Most of the toxin in the tree are in the roots. The bark does contain some but at a lower concentration. Just make sure he doesn't get any more of it.