Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > Minature Donkey

Minature Donkey

21 9:05:26

I have a minature donkey. I have been out of town for a week and my brother has been taking care of it. I got back today and he is not eating and is laying around. My brother said he was fine yesterday. I talked with someone and asked if I have any oak trees around the pen and that he probably consumed a high number of acrons. What can I do for this?

Hi Kyle,

My most sincere apologies for not getting to your question sooner.  If you have not already done so, and/or if your mini donkey is still in distress you really need to contact your veterinarian.  Once a horse or donkey gets to the stage where it is not eating and is reluctant to stand, there is not much from a dietary standpoint that you can do to fix the problem.  By this time the animal needs a veterinarian.  Horses or donkeys will not die from starvation within a week, if they started in good body condition, but they certainly can suffer from severe digestive upset from being without food.  And if forced to eat anything they can find, they may consume poisonous plants or materials in which case you definitely need the vet.  They can perish from dehydration in that short a time, so if he has been without water you need the vet  ASAP. When your donkey is in obvious distress, your vet needs to be the first call. It's going to be important to find reliable care for your little guy if you are going to be away.

I hope he is ok.

Thanks, Corlena