Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > soluble carbohydrates

soluble carbohydrates

21 9:05:34

hello ma'am, may i know what does "soluble carbohydrates" mean? are too much soluble carbohydrates bad for horses? if yes, may i know why?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  Soluble carbohydrates, or non-structural carbohydrates (NSC), are the cell contents of plants.  They are the carbohydrates that are soluble in water and should be digested in the stomach of the horse and include simple and complex sugars, starch and fructo-oligosaccharides. All carbohydrates, both non-structural and structural, provide the horse with energy but through different digestive processes.  NSC are useful for horses especially those working very hard including racehorses, but in moderation.  If NSCs are not properly digested in the stomach of the horse and end up undigested in the cecum, they can cause digestive upset including colic.  So in essence yes, too much dietary soluble carbohydrates can be bad for horses.

Thanks, Corlena