Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > moldy/wet hay leading to laminitis

moldy/wet hay leading to laminitis

21 9:04:59

hello ma'am. does moldy hay/wet hay leads to laminitis in future stages if not taken proper care?

Hello Rohit,

Feeding moldy hay is not safe for a number of reasons.  Wet hay, provided it is properly fermented and contains no mold, can be fed to horses...although we often recommend horses are vaccinated against botulism first as a precaution.

Laminitis is a complex disease whose precise cause is not yet fully understood.  There is such a wide range of triggers that can cause laminitis that its possible to suggest that moldy hay can act as one of those triggers, although it wouldn't be the sole reason to caution against moldy hay.
