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grass species good for all equine digestion

21 9:06:28

ma'am, please tell me which grass species is good for digestion of all breeds of equines (including horses, donkeys, mules, hinnies, ponies etc) in the world?

Hi Rohit,
Thank you for your question, I will answer it to the best of my ability.  You have to understand that I'm familiar with our management techniques in North America which may or may not resemble what you have available in your country.  The grasses we have available to us that work well for equines are timothy, some ryegrasses, some fescue, orchardgrass, bromegrass, bluegrass, bermuda grass, bluestems and bahia grass.  Of course you also have your legumes like some clover species and alfalfa which can also be used for grazing.  You may have some regional grasses that I haven't mentioned that may work just fine.  Your country should have some type of department of agriculture or agricultural extension office...and they can be very helpful with regards to local species that may be suitable for horses.  Because each species of plant has different environmental requirements for growth, what works well for us here in North America may not grow well in India.  I'm sorry I can't answer your question more accurately, but I only know what I know.

Thanks, Corlena