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bran mash - energy for the animal on exercsie

21 9:04:38

hi ma'am. i want to alter the feed of riding school horses by changing the feed from chopped maize(mornings) and barley(evenings and nights) to oats(all day). can i keep my horses on bran mash for 1 full week though they are taken out for riding(trotting for 1 hour)? is bran mash enough for providing energy for the horse that is exercised moderately.

Hello Roberts,

I can not tell you if, or how much, bran mash will provide enough energy for your horses, without first knowing what else is in their diet.  You first have to determine what your energy requirements are based on your horse's size and workload, then determine how much of which nutrients are supplied by the diet's main component...forage.  Then you determine how much, if anything, you need to add of other ingredients to round out the diet.  There's no 'one size fits all' recommendation for what you're trying to do.

Thanks, Corlena