Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > Herbs


21 9:10:21


I have race horses and used to be an athlete myself. I would like to use things like panax ginseng, CO Q10 and Goji Berries which are a fantastic source of Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, some b group vitamins and loads of trace minerals. I have been supplementing myself for many years and haven't had any side efects as a result. I believe that supplementing the horses diet with amounts of certain herbs will not do any harm. Can you confirm this for me please.

ANSWER: Hi Ian,  Although I have used herbal supplements with my horses, I have never used a great quantity at one time nor have I used multiple herbal supplements at one time.  Without having researched this I have never known of any side effects, however, some of the herbs you mentioned I have never fed.  I would need to research this further to be able to give you a definite answer.  If you would like for me to get  back with you after I look further into it let me know.  Jessica

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Jessica that would be great. Regards Ian

Hi Ian,  From my findings I have found that just because herbs are natural they are not all safe or more effective.  Many drugs are derived from plant sources- some benign and some dangerous.  Also some herbal preparations may mimic, or contain banned substances that would show up as a positive if your horses are getting drug tested.  Being that I'm not a vet I don't feel comfortable telling you to go ahead and feed your horse all of those herbal supplements.  My advice to you would be to research each supplement extensively and also contact a vet for their advice on the matter.  Many herbs are safe in low quantities or are only advised for short term use.  Some herbs have long term damage to organs.  I can't tell you which ones do what, that's why I think you should contact a vet or find a help-line to call regarding herbal supplementation.  Good luck, Jessica