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carrots for racehorses

21 9:06:07

hello ma'am. in what way do carrots improve digestion of a racehorse. in indian horse racing, carrots are mandatory to feed racehorses. how many kgs of carrots should every horse eat per day irrespective of its body weight?

hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  I've never known carrots to be a mandatory feed for horses and quite frankly give you a suggested feeding rate.  We have only ever fed carrots as a treat for horses and not a diet staple.  Having said that, there is no more danger associated with feeding carrots then there is with feeding fibre-rich grains.  So, if a horse's diet should never contain more than 50% grain (55% max, where grain is fiber based), you can include carrots as part of the grain portion of the diet.  

I realize that doesn't give you the exact answer you are looking for, but that's one I don't have a definitive answer for.

Thanks, Corlena