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wheat bran

21 9:05:21

My horse has just been diagnosed as EMS. He is on herbal formulas. He does not like the taste. It is one and half ounce the herbs in warm water total. He will not take it without force orally. Yesterday I put the one and half ounces of liquid herbs onto about 2 tablespoons of wheat bran I had in the house for general baking. I chose this as the label showed it to have no sugar. I need to give him 9 doses p/ day. Will the wheat bran cause him any trouble, or could you recommend anything else to use. He did accept it when I put it in his feed bucket. Thank you.

Hi Helen,

There's nothing wrong with hiding his meds in the wheat bran, and for the long term you can likely buy it cheaper at the feed store than what you're paying for the cooking kind (end product is the same).  In fact, it's probably your safest bet.  Another option is beet pulp with no molasses added...but in this case bran is preferable.

Thanks, Corlena