Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > not feeding at particular time

not feeding at particular time

21 9:05:45

hello ma'am, what health problems do horses face when they are fed at one particular time?

Hi Rohit,

I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question.  Are you asking if they have digestive issues if they are always fed at the same time of day?  If so, the answer is that horses are creatures of habit and rather rely on regular feeding patterns.  Stress can have an impact on digestive efficiency and surprisingly enough horses stress about eating...or rather they stress at not being fed on a schedule.  I once heard a speaker suggest that in managing your feeding you were either consistent or consistently inconsistent.  That's to say either have an established schedule or no schedule at all...but avoid having a schedule that you occasionally stray from.  Not sure if there is any published data to this effect but it certainly be worth investigating further.  If I've misunderstood the question, please let me know.

Thanks, Corlena