Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > adding psyllium husk powder in bran mash every week

adding psyllium husk powder in bran mash every week

21 9:05:51

hello ma'am, if horses are exposed to pastures most of the day, there are chances for a horse to eat of sand particles. in order to get rid of colic, can i add little quantity of psyllium husk powder in the bran mash every week so that it flushes out the sand which blocked in the stomach by chance? hope there wont be any side effects feeding psyllium powder every week.

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  Psyllium husk powder is safe for your horse to have as part of a weekly feeding routine and can be helpful in preventing sand colic as it helps bind and remove sand from the digestive tract.  

Thanks, Corlena