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sweet feed choking

21 9:10:17

we have a 4 year old tennesse walking horse gelding
he has been given sweet feed since he started eating feed
he appears to be choking on it now we dont't know why?
he is on pasture and does fine with the grass.

Hi Barbara, Sorry for the delay, my computer satellite has been down.  I would suggest soaking his feed in water about 10-15 min. before you feed him.  If he's a fast eater he could be choking from eating too fast which soaking would prevent.  If that's not enough you can always put large rocks in his feed bucket about the size of your hand, that will slow his eating down.  If he continues choking after wetting/soaking and adding the stones/rocks to his bucket I would contact a vet and have his throat scoped to be sure he doesn't have any kind of blockage.  Good luck, Jessica