Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > horse which dont eat grains

horse which dont eat grains

21 9:06:19

hello ma'am, why few horses dont even eat grains? can you please provide a solution for this?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  There can be a number of reasons that keep horses from eating grain.  Horses can be very sensitive to taste so grains of sub-par quality can put a horse off feed.  Some feed sources are less palatable than others so some ingredients will prohibit feed intake.  Some horses can be sensitive to high starch diets and will not want to consume sweet feed or cereal grains as it causes digestive upset.  Before you try and find a way to force a horse to eat certain feeds, be certain there isn't a good reason why they won't eat it...(ie) if the horse isn't eating the feed due to mold or dust, don't force them to do so.  Likewise, if a horse refuses to eat a cereal based diet because it is causing digestive upset then you are better finding a feed that better suits that horse.  If you simply have a finicky eater, you can consider adding some molasses (but not too much) to improve feed intake or try mixing the grain with something more palatable like beet pulp.

Thanks, Corlena