Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Diet~


22 15:54:13

ello i was wondering ive been researching sugar gliders and their diet but many sites have contradicting info? like one said sugar gliders love corn and its healthy for them but another said to never give them corn? im worried that once i get my glider ill feed it something thatll harm it! so could you give me a list of things to never let your glider eat? (besides plants)

Hi.  You are correct.  The most hotly debated topic with regard to sugar gliders is diet.  There are several very good diets.  Research the one that best suits you and your glider, follow it to the letter and you will be fine.  

You can research here:

With regard to corn:  Corn is one of those items that falls into a gray area.  Sugar glider owners are split on the subject.  Some say never feed corn, while others feed it regularly.  Sugar gliders do love corn, and it is not harmful under the right conditions.  If you are properly supplementing your sugar glider's diet with calcium, then you shouldn't have a problem feeding corn once in a while.  I feed corn sparingly in moderation.  Corn is high in phosphorus.  Phosphorus is know to inhibit the calcium absorption.  If you are properly supplementing with calcium, then occasional corn is no problem.  

One thing to remember about sugar gliders is moderation.  Corn should be fed in moderation.  

Absolutes with regard to diet:

Never feed your gliders onion or anything in the onion family.  This includes garlic, leeks, or anything cooked with those items as seasoning.  

Never feed your gliders red meats, chocolate, sugar or candy, pizza, or straight honey (honey mixed with other ingredients in a diet is ok).  

Never feed your gliders insects you have caught in your home or outside.  Even if you don't spray for insects, they do travel and you never know what your neighbors are spraying for.  

Feed very sparingly foods that are high in fat, peanuts, avacado, etc. and don't feed lima or soy beans.

I hope this helps.
