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bearded dragon & leopard gecko

22 13:36:04

hi i just bought three baby bearded dragons, and have them in a 4ft tank, which i have been told is big enough. i also have a leopard gecko, who is about 5 or 6 yrs old. he is in a smaller tank about 2 foot, i was wondering would it be safe to put them into the same tank, or would they fight??

Hi Scott and Rachael,

The main concern is disease transmission although intra-species aggression is always a possibility. Reptiles (even captive bred ones) carry their own normal gut flora consisting of bacteria and often single celled commensal organisms or even small harmless numbers of pathogenic parasites. What is normal and harmless in the gut of one type of reptile may not be harmless when picked up by a different species. It would be in all their best interests to keep their separate cages.
Just a word of warning: Your 4 foot tank is big enough for your three babies but if you have two males in the group you will not be able to house them together past the age of about 5 or 6 months when "puberty" hits. Males become territorial at that age and can inflict serious damage on each other whether they were raised together or not.