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timothy pellets for young rabbit

22 10:36:06

Hi I recently bought a bunny who I know is under 6 months. I started to give her timothy pellets because I read in a book that alfalfa was bad, but apparently that's only for adults. Should I switch her back to alfalfa pellets? Or should I just start giving her alfalfa hay? Thanks very much.

Dear Shauna,

Alfalfa is much higher in protein and calcium than timothy, and because adults need very little of those nutrients, timothy pellets are recommended for them to control weight.  A baby rabbit can have alfalfa pellets, which are probably good for the extra nutrients a growing bunny needs.  But since pellets will be a very small part of her adult diet, anyway, you could keep her on alfalfa as long as she doesn't have a weight problem.  

Please read about healthy diet here:

Hope that helps.
