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Need help with my bunny

22 9:52:23

hello, i would greatly appreciate it if i could get my question answered a.s.a.p as there are no good vets that i know of in my area or throughout the whole country i live in, i may say. i once took my 1st bunny to the vet, who told me that he's completely healthy, and then he died the same night. I was very depressed, and now time has passed and someone surprised me with a new bunny (female), i am 18 years old and completely capable of caring for my bunny, and i want her best. My bunny is very young, i do not know of her age though, but she is quite small. My question is, do bunnies get their periods or is it normal for them to bleed from their **** by any chance ? (no it is not a broken nail or a broken bone or any external bruise) i noticed that she washes herself a lot in that specific spot and i lifted her up and it looked like there was blood to me(she is very clean so i found no blood on my clothes or any other material she plays on) may i also ask about what a healthy bunny's "poop" is supposed to look like ? and i would appreciate if someone (experienced) could give me some tips on what vegetables i can feed my bunny ? and does a bunny need water ?
I will be very grateful to receive any help. Thank you.
P.s She lives indoors, specifically in my bedroom.

Dear Cherry,

It is not normal for a bunny to bleed from the vulva. They do not have menstrual periods. But unspayed females *do* have a very high risk of uterine cancer, and bleeding from the vulva can be a sign of this.  I hope you can find a vet who can do a spay surgery, and perhaps consult with an experienced rabbit vet beforehand.  Please check the international listings here:

and also read:

This is of critical importance. The sooner she is diagnosed and treated, the better her chances of full recovery.

For information on proper diet, please see:

and for all the best information on litterbox training, housing, and basic care of any kind, please see:

I hope your bunny will be fine.

Good luck!
