Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Is it the end of the line for Nifty?

Is it the end of the line for Nifty?

21 17:54:32

QUESTION: My lovely dear rat has lost weight, is breathing somewhat rapidly and is listless, even at night. She'll take a treat but won't take-and-horde them like she usually does (one of our favorite activities; it can go on for fifteen minutes. now she's just taking/eating one at a time). She has no other symptoms. She is about 2 years old. My other rat died the day after I noticed the same issues (weight loss, listlessness). My gut feeling is that she's at the end of her life and even as I write this, I expect to find her dead tomorrow. My partner agrees, it's not looking good for dear Alice. I just wanted to check in with the experts for any advice you might have. I'm feeling very sad right now. Thanks.


You can always take her to the vets. She probably has a respiratory infecton that can be treated with antibiotics.
Being lethargic can mean many things from dehydration to lesions on the brain (I just lost my rat to that two days ago after a week of being nothing but lethargic and we ran test after test on him!)
It could be very treatable with your rat and does not have to be the end of the road for Alice. She is only 2 anyhow....rats can live past 3 years old when given proper care.
Do you need a vet or do you have one? If you dont, let me know and I can find someone in your area that can take a look at Alice and see whats going on with her.

Good luck


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for your advice. I'm in Bloomington, IN. Do you know of a rat-knowledgeable vet in my area? thank you.

Hi again

You may need to drive an hour but its worth it to have a caring vet that is skilled in taking care of your rattie.

Dr. Jennifer Clarke
Hillview Veterinary Clinic LLC    Exotic Pets
1761 Thornburg Lane
Franklin IN 46131
Phone:    317-736-8880