Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > she died

she died

21 14:35:18

lola did die, between now and my last question. (10pm-3am) i dont know why. was it my fault and how can i prevent it from happening with chips. also im wondering since chips has had a buddie since birth should i buy her a friend again so she wont be sad. the only thing with that is that, if i decide i dont want to buy more guinea pigs. the two wouldnt die at the same time then its bound to happen that one will be sad. is that true? and should i replace lola, for chips sake. or should i stop now and see if it was somthing chips caught, so i dont infect others (im sorry i kinda slipped another question in) i feel really bad. and i want to make the right choice now. please tell me things that could go wrong with buying a replacement now. thankyou

Hi Alex

I am so sorry to hear about your loss, I know exactly how you feel.

Firstly, don't blame yourself, pets do get sick and there is often nothing we can do about it. It sounds to me like you look after your pigs perfectly, so please, please dont blame yourself.

The symptoms you describe in your first question could be indications of lots of different problems.

In terms of chips, she might be sad by the loss, she might adapt ok. Give her lots of love and wait and see.

It might be an idea though, if you do decide to get another friend for chips, to wait for a few days to make sure she is ok. There is no reason to believe though, that chips or any other pig will get sick just because lola did.

All the best
