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cavies - lump

21 14:23:24

My guinea pig has developed a large swelling on the upper part of his hind leg near to the back end. I feel this may be a scent gland as he is bright eyed and alert. Can you help?

Hello Jean,

I actually suspect it is a sebeceous cyst, because of the location. They really aren't a big problem and won't be much of an issue for your piggy and they aren't life threatening. You really have 3 options. If left alone, it will eventually burst. It's smelly and gross and has to be flushed several times a day and precautions have to be taken to avoid infection, because infections can be deadly. I have yet to meet someone who doesn't regret choosing this option. It's not fun to deal with and you risk having it return and having to go through it all again. You could also have a vet lance it and drain it and then you still have quite a bit of aftercare but it's a bit less messy and again the cyst could return later. The final option and the one I strongly recommend, is surgery. It's a simple procedure, that if done by a piggy knowledgable vet, is very safe. With the surgery healing is faster than the other 2 options, aftercare is much easier, it not nearly as gross, and once removed, the cyst won't return. The choice is, of course, yours. All options are accepted ways of treating cysts and work prefectly well if things are done correctly. When my girl had a cyst, I opted for surgery. She came home the same day and did wonderfully and neither of us ever have to deal with that cyst again. However, if you are right and it is a swollen gland, that indicates infection (or possibly something worse that he'll still need a vet for) and he should see a vet for antibiotics. I truly believe this is a cyst though. Sebeceous cysts are most common in the hip area.
