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Length of Syrian Hamster Teeth???

21 13:31:45

Hi there Kelly,
 I have had my female Syrian hamster for about 5 months now.  When I first got her she was just at the age to leave her mother at the breeder's and go into a new home.  I think her teeth were fairly short then, but now they are longer.  I give her calcium tubes to chew and all sorts of different treats and bites to wear them down but I don't think she chews them enough.  My problem is that I don't know how long is too long for her teeth and am worried about them getting too long for her to eat.  It's hard to tell how much she is eating because she moves food around to different parts of her cage.  I do know that she does eat some things, but I am concerned.  Please let me know how long her teeth are supposed to be so I can decide if I should bring her to the vet to have them filed.  Thanks so much for your help!

Hi Shanna,

Over time a hamster's teeth will get longer, so growing is to be expected.  However, it's a good thing that you're concerned about possibly overgrown teeth.  Keep giving her the calcium tubes and treats, and you could also try small chew sticks and especially plain dog biscuits.  Besides being great for wearing down hamsters' teeth, dog biscuits are adored by many hamsters for their taste.  I've yet to come across an actual measurement for hamsters' teeth, but pictures can be great tools in helping you determine whether or not her teeth are too long.  Here's a good (and rather cute) picture of a hamster's teeth so you can get an idea of average length.

There are also some great facts on that page, including how to clip your hamster's teeth if they are overgrown (or if you feel uncomfortable doing that, you could take her to the vet like you mentioned - hamsters are squirmy little things, aren't they?).

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
