Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Bearded Dragons > Help , please!

Help , please!

21 10:35:40

Hi Joe. I have recently lost my bearded dragon he died very young at the age of 2!. i did have two bearded dragon i didn't realize till the other day that they were both male. Now the other male is all by himself. Should i get him a friend? if so another male friend or a female? and if id don't im really scared he will get depressed. Please help

Hello Hannah, You should not get your dragon a little friend. From what you have told me your two males were together. this is a horrible idea because they will fight and can possibly kill each other. Getting your dragon another buddy wouldn't be a good idea. He will live more happy and healthier by himself as he can get the food intake properly without having to wait for the other to finish. he will not get depressed, at the most he will seem more alive and happy.