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My bearded dragons skin

21 10:35:58


The front left elbow
I have a bearded dragon that is about 4 & 1/2 months old. I noticed a growth on its front left leg, it sort of looks like a wart. What could this be?

This is actually pretty new to me, my male had a small growth like bump on his same leg, it was nothing like that is. the only thing that i am sure of about this that it may just be a growth or its access skin. this is not common and it should not be there. incase this may turn dangerously bad for your dragon, take him to a vet. He may need surgery to have it removed, what i did notice form the picture is that it resembles of what a human can be born with on his/her neck, which means this may just be skin from when it was born. But it HAS to be checked by a vet!