Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Bearded Dragons > Boy or girl

Boy or girl

21 10:34:43

Boy or girl
Boy or girl  
Hi, I adopted my beardie 2 months ago and the people said it was a boy. Now that he's around 10 inches I decided to look and think it's actually a girl. Can you help please

You should wait until it's at least 4 to 6months because then it is easier to actually tell. At first I thought my beadie was a girl or I just decided it was. Then at about 4 1/2 months I checked and it was a boy.. So you should wait to check. But there are some sighs that could help. The males get larger heads and get bigger. lLet me know if you have any other questions! Good luck:)
Here is a chart that could help you!