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Bearded dragons & mateing

21 10:35:38

i have to bearded dragons Dotty and Frank and i got them about 6 months ago and was told that frank was 22 weeks and dotty was a month younger they are in a 6 and half foot viv with everything they need and they slowed right down on eating and moving around so and we was told that they are going into Brumation and to slowly drop the lights down to 8 hours and its only been for just over a month now but frank %26 dotty seem to have other ideas when they do become active in the day that its time to mate but im worried that they are to young to mate atm and i don't want any harm to come to them as they are pets as well as one day it would be nice to have a clutch of eggs but im worried that this might be to late (stupid i no) but i have not got another viv to split them up if its not already to late but please don't judge me on this as im only after some advise on this matter as could they be older than what i was told and will the female do her thing lift her tail and do her push ups even if she is to young or is she ready to mate  

Hello, it would be a good idea to split them up for another year or two until you are more experienced, when they are ready. The female will still do her "Push-ups" when ready to mate, even at any age they may do this. Make sure that they are split up before anything can happen.